Moonlight Magic This Friday Offers Sale on Bras
November 20 2019 – Vashti Lehrle

Moonlight Magic is a fun time for everyone that includes feasting and drinking, magic, dancing and a tree-lighting ceremony after 5:00 p.m. You just have to make it down to 5th Street this Friday! Oh, and for our part? Bra sales, of course!

And for our part, we’re offering you a sale on bras — the specific amount is up to Santa, though. For Moonlight Magic, you’ll get a discount between 10-25% depending on what comes out of Santa’s sack.
So join us all day Friday for a rare opportunity to pay less for the bras you love.
Event Information
Name: Moonlight Magic
Date: November 22, 2019
Time: 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Enjoy: 10-25% off bras all day at Secret Drawers Lingerie