Thank You to Our Community's Frontline Workers
April 30 2020 – Vashti Lehrle

We usually celebrate glorious femininity, comfort and beauty here in the Underwear Matters blog. However, we’d like to take a minute to pause the usual and say thank you. Thank you to all the frontline workers that continue to work every day to make the Comox Valley keep running.

While Nena and I have the luxury of physically isolating, we know so many of our clients are continuing to work right now in spite of the global pandemic. We want to thank these people for taking care of the sick, pumping our gas, and ringing up our groceries, among so many other things. The services these people offer are critical to our daily life.
So if you’re one of our clients, or if you’re one of our community members at large, thank you so much for continuing to take your work seriously — we want you to know that we do too.
(For information on what Secret Drawers Lingerie is doing during the pandemic, please see here.)