It's Show Time! -- Well, Prima Donna's Show Time, Anyway
April 20 2017 – Nena Bill

We welcome the spring and we usher forward the warmer weather of summer. And these months are the perfect time to pick up some lingerie in the fashion colour white. Check out Prima Donna’s Show Time for the perfect example.
Show Time by Prima Donna
While some people don’t realize it, white is actually not a core lingerie colour. Our core colours are actually black and nude. Thus, when pieces in white come in, they are actually seasonal. This means you have to snap them up fast, before the winds of fashion change.
And today’s white fashion piece is Prima Donna’s Show Time. While from afar, this may appear to be just a white bra, it’s anything but. It’s actually a cup with an overlaid netting which extends to above the cup and is set off by two crystals at the breast bone. To see the details on the Show Time by prima Donna better, click on the image.
This bra is available in sizes 34-38, cups C-F. We also have the matching Prima Donna Show Time briefs in sizes S-XL Pick it up and update your warm-weather wardrobe today.